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main.m 1.1 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: initial import of SheepShaver Launcher project for Mac OS X (WIP) 1.10 (12 years ago) by asvitkine: use non-deprecated methods
VMSettingsController.h 1.5 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: Launcher: Use default settings from NIB for new VM. 1.11 (13 years ago) by asvitkine: abort editing virtual machine name if any action is chosen
VMListController.h 1.6 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: re-arrange virtual machines by drag and drop add a contextual menu that also allows to reveal the selected virtual machine in finder
LauncherPrefix.h 1.1 (13 years ago) by asvitkine: - Add a prefix header which is used in place of SheepShaver's config.h to allow correct compilation of the Universal Binary. - Update project to work with Xcode on Snow Leopard. - Add missing #include <unistd.h>
Info.plist 1.3 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: misc changes 1.2 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: more improvements to Launcher
AppController.h 1.1 (15 years ago) by asvitkine: initial import of SheepShaver Launcher project for Mac OS X (WIP)
2 directories and 9 files shown